Charmed was a series set in San Fransisco about three witches named Prue (played by Shannen Doherty), Phoebe (played by Alyssa Milano), and Piper (played by Holly Marie Combs), who learn they have powers after the death of their grandmother. The first season pretty much follows a monster-of-the-week format in which the sisters had to go up against some kind of demon and ultimately vanquish it. This, of course, put the sisters on the radar of the local police (and Prue's ex-boyfriend, played by TW King, a local detective), as they were always getting involved in strange cases. The series was on the air at the same time as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and has a very similar vibe to that as it set everyday problems (like dating, the sister's relationship with each other, etc.,) into the world of magic and demons. It also has some of the same character actors appear as guest stars that Buffy had, usually as a guest bad guy. It also guest-starred a very young and then-unknown Michael Weatherly, who would go on to be a series lead on Dark Angel, then make it big on NCIS and Bull, and David Carradine, who of course was well-known from the original Kung-Fu series and later the Kill Bill movies.
For those who get the Blu-Ray set, it is pretty much an MOD set. It does have captions, but there are no extras at all. The HD transfer was okay, but not that great, and at time really showed off the limitations of the CGI of the time. Of course, this is pre-Matrix changing everything about CGI, and it was done on a TV budget. Even so, the special effects could be laughably bad and nothing compared to what today's tv series put out. And, since it was shot on film and not digital, it definitely has the look (especially in the stock shots) of a 1990s TV series (and sometimes even looks like the series that were shot in the 1980s).
Overall, the show is very good. The writing can be a bit cheesy at times, but the acting was very good. All of the lead actresses had good chemistry with each other and played off each other well. As most fans of the show know, Milano and Doherty eventually came to hate each other and Doherty ended up leaving the show, but if they did not like each other from the start they were able to hide it pretty well. Of course, with Doherty playing the oldest sister and Milano playing the youngest one, some of that animosity could have helped their performances because they did convincingly bicker with each other. Even though the look of the show, at least in the first season) is a bit dated, the stories do hold up pretty well even 20-plus years later. Of course, having a ridiculously good-looking cast in their mid-twenties to early thirties does not hurt either. It is available to stream, but if you prefer physical discs to streaming it is worth the blu-ray pickup (unless you only get the physical discs when there are a lot of extras available).